Privacy Policy
Please read, carefully, the information about our cookies and privacy policies.
If you do not agree with our policies you should not use our website.
The presente policy of cookies and policy of privacy disclose how the information is collected and how the personal data are used, as also the methods of security adopted in the treatment of the data.
Our Company – Criterdestaque – Proteção Contra Incêndio Unip. Lda, owned by Paulo Alexandre Gomes de Almeida, VAT Nr 510864856, hereafter designated Criterdestaque – Proteção Contra Incêndio Unip. Lda, recognizes the importance of privacy. We will never sell or share your information with third parties, either private or enterprises.
The website is property of Criterdestaque – Proteção Contra Incêndio Unip. Lda, headquarters in Rua do Feirapark, Nº 50 Room 1.3 | 4520 – 632 São João de Ver
Cookies`s Policy
Criterdestaque – Proteção Contra Incêndio Unip, Lda uses cookies that help providing you a better service and experience as user of our website. By visiting and exploring our website you agree with the ultilization of cookies.
To assure that our website offers a good experience of page navigation to all visitors and provides a more personalized service, our server uses cookies (small informative/text files) to collect and store information.
If you want to, you can disable this option in your browser, which will limit your access to certain parts of our website or enables the reception of personalized information.
The use of cookies is a common practise in the majority of the websites with purpose of making our offer user-friendly to the user and facilitate the page navigation.
Criterdestaque – Proteção Contra Incêndio Unip. Lda, can use cookies to collect information during your visit to our website, such as the areas you visit and the activities you interact with. These files will be used to avoid that visitor has to repeatedly introduce his personal information, facilitate the exploration of the website and the personalization of services. Cookies can be used to help in your future utilisations of the applications. Once the computer can identify the personal information that has already been given,you will not be asked to provide the same information again.
The user can accept or disable the cookies. The majority of the browsers or applications in the web accepts cookies automatically. In case, the user does not intends to use the cookies, he should change the set ups of his browser concerning the acceptance or not acceptance of cookies.
Privacy Policy
Information Collection
Every time needed the gathering of personal data, the use of this same information will be done accordingly the legislation applied, Regulation (EU)2016/679 European Parliament and Council, dated on 27th April 2016, it is assured to the owner of the data the legal right of access, correction,alteration, elimination and portability of his personal data, by using a written request to the responsable entity, sent by registered mail to Rua do Feirapark, Nº 50 Sala 1.3 | 4520 – 632 São João de Ver or by email to:
The owner of the data can also make a complain to CNPD (National Commission of Data Protection) or any other control national authority.
All the information collected is provided voluntarily through our website, online queries,questionnaire, promotions and /or quiz games. Criterdestaque – Proteção Contra Incêndio Unip., collects personal data such as name, address, e-mails,telephone numbers, IP address, demographic data and lifestyle information towards the endings ahead clarified.The entity responsible for the data gathering and treatment is Criterdestaque – Proteção Contra Incêndio Unip. ,Lda.
Utilization of the information collected
Criterdestaque – Proteção Contra Incêndio Unip. Lda has the commitment to fulfill the legal regulations concerning the treatment and storage of personal data in Portugal.
The information obtained can be used by Criterdestaque – Proteção Contra Incêndio Unip. Lda to send publicity about marketing actions or other commercial actions developed.
The data gathered are for exclusive use of Criterdestaque – Proteção Contra Incêndio Unip. Lda, to forward the requests made through by this web page, to assure the privacy and protection of all data concerning of the users.
Criterdestaque – Proteção Contra Incêndio Unip. Lda can share personal information of the user with other companies, when needed to provide or supply a service or product,, it is assured that the information shared is only the strictly needed to satisfy the request.
Right to access, Correction, Cancellation and Opposition
In conformity with regulation (EU) 2016/679 from the European Parliament and Council, dated on 27th April 2016, any person can request the access to his personal data, to be aware of its content, to demand its correction, update or its destruction, through a written request addressed to the responsible entity to the following email :
Safety and Data Protection
Criterdestaque – Proteção Contra Incêndio Unip., Lda is commited to adopt all measures and necessary procedures to assure the protection of the personal data of the users against an abusive utilisation or non authorized access.
Neverless, being the internet a mean of communication not 100% safe, Criterdestaque – Proteção Contra Incêndio, Unip. Lda cannot assure the security of any information published online, either be hold responsable for losses or damage caused to the user as consequence of the lost of the confidentiality of the information.
At this web page, the users Criterdestaque – Proteção Contra Incêndio Unip. Lda , will find links that will forward them to other web pages outside the domain of Criterdestaque – Proteção Contra Incêndio Unip., Lda`s servers, which can by themselves collect personal data or request for personal information. The present privacy policy does not applies to third web pages, therefore, the user must read the privacy policy of the third web pages that visits, stating clear that we have no responsability for the content and the information provided in these other websites.
Agreement with Privacy Policy
We, therefore understand the user accepts the conditions of our privacy policy by consenting in the introduction of his data. The fulfillment of questionnaries impllies the authorization, by the user, of the automatic treatment and utilization of the data accordingly the conditions of privacy described in this document.
Alterations to Privacy Policy
Criterdestaque – Proteção Contra Incêndio Unip. Lda, is entitled to, at any moment, update or review the present privacy policy in order to adjust to any legal alterations and/or other condicionalisms. Any change/alteration made will be made public in this section, therefore the user must, regularly, visit this area to be informed and updated about the Privacy Policy valid.
S. João de Ver, April 2022